Quarry Green JFC - Kirkby Football Teams
Quarry Green JFC -  Kirkby Football Teams

Our Sponsors - Thank you to each and every one of you.

Kirkby Blinds Direct Ltd

0151 547 3570

All types of blinds manufactured at our premises to your own specification.

AP Fleet

01744 818 191

AP Fleet Services is a 24 Hour Commercial vehicle body shop. We specialise in accident repair and refurbishment for all types of vehicles

The Honest Fitter

0151 345 9873

Front Doors Fitted Liverpool

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Are you are interested in sponsoring one of our teams?  Imagine how much exposure your business would get by being visible on our website, or your having your logo on some of our football kits. Our links to your website would also benefit you and your customers.  We can help you reach more potential customers in the local area and you can help us out too. Its a win-win!  If you want more info, chris.osullivan@quarrygreenjfc.co.uk can help you get the ball rolling.



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© Chris Osullivan